One Transcriber Lifetime Deal for $69
One Transcriber uses AI to generate accurate, real-time audio and video transcripts in multiple languages.
- Get automatic, real-time captions and subtitles for audio or video files on your PC
- Transcribe in multiple languages, edit your transcriptions, and export them as TXT or DOC files
- Best for Content creators, Event organizers, Remote teams
- Alternative to, Integrations, Chrome, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, YouTube, Zoom
- Features GDPR-compliant
- Lifetime Deal access to One Transcriber
- All future Small (Tiers 1, 2 & 3), Medium (Tier 4) or Top (Tier 5) Plan updates
- No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that’s right for you
- You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase
- Ability to upgrade or downgrade between 5 license tiers
- GDPR compliant
- 60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it’s right for you!
- Features included in all plans
- Real-time transcription and live captioning
- Integrates with business meetings, videos, podcasts, or anything on your PC
- Closed captioning and subtitles
- Transcribe recordings
- Unlimited users
- All languages available and any future languages
- Select audio device and language transcription
- Track usage and minutes consumed
- Internet connection required to integrate machine-learning and advanced algorithm
- Data-encryption protocol with certificate issued by official certificate authority for security and data protection
- 120 minutes of transcription per month (upgrade license to increase the number of minutes)
Source: One Transcriber Lifetime Deal for $69
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