The Bad Bunny series was created to appeal to the tastes of women. There is now a mini-sized denma with a cute design and a powerful vibration. I shaped women’s “desire.” This little bear is both adorable and intimidating. By combining women’s favorite colors, we created a design that will satisfy you just by holding it. It also has a soft touch and ten different types of vibration (3 levels of strength and seven different vibration patterns), and it is fully functional. Charging is simple and convenient thanks to the included USB cable. It also has a waterproof function (IPX5) and can be cleaned with water after use. A fascinating mini-denma bear with a unique combination of cuteness and strength. It’s also recommended as a female gift. WARNING: Keep the product away from children. DO NOT expose the product or the charging device to humid places, direct UV or sunlight for an extended period. NEVER immerse or rinse the charging device in water or other fluids. If your toy appears to function abnormally, turn it off. Product is a reuseable after wash. DO NOT use this product with more than one person. DO NOT place any object inside the cup for use. Safety Precautions: Always clean the product before and after use. We recommend using water-based lube with your toy.
FUJI WORLD Baaad Bunny Little Bear Powerful Vibrator – # Blue 1pc Sexual Wellness