Tote With Rainbow Signature Sharky


Published on: June 28, 2020
Modified on: September 11, 2021

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Description: This Tote is part of the Coach Pride Collection, a celebration of equality, diversity, and authentic self-expression within the LGBTQ+ community this month and every month. The sturdy carryall is crafted of durable canvas printed with a playful palm tree motif and features our more fun than ferocious Sharky made up in our rainbow Signature. It secures with a snap closure and has room for a 13″ laptop. In celebration of Pride, the Coach Foundation has made donations to our long-term partner of 7 years the Hetrick-Martin Institute and new partners GLSEN and the Albert Kennedy Trust – all doing important work to help LGBTQ+ young people create the future they know is possible.


Colour: MULTI

Tote With Rainbow Signature Sharky

Brand: Coach Australia

Product Sourced from Fashion 4 Tote With Rainbow Signature Sharky